Open Call to Launch New Working-Class Organizing
Open call for organizers with big ideas to reach more working-class people.
Do you have an idea of a group of people, a place, or a model to organize more working-class people? This is your chance - an open call for organizers with a good idea and track record to reach people who are unlikely to be reached otherwise.
These projects can be online, offline, and everything in between, as long as they reach and move new people. We’ve got mad respect for the fundamentals of organizing and believe there are many ways to apply them.
The people leading new projects would come onto a senior team of organizers who have built organizations from scratch and run big campaigns, and get support, inspiration, and insight from these fellow organizers.
New projects can focus on an often overlooked constituency or geography. It could be a class of people - for example, people saddled with bad loans or those likely to be impacted by cuts to programs by the incoming administration. It could be testing out a model or theory on how to reach more new people.
Here’s a quick skinny on the first three projects the organizers I work with have launched from scratch. The first started organizing working-class moms across partisanship off of Reddit and then moved members to offline organizing. They are now organizing in more than a dozen states. One project employed a fast online to offline model to organize in strategic and often overlooked parts of the country, and another organizes small-town seniors in the Midwest including a hot fight on the privatization of long-term care.
Here's what a project lead gets:
-Full-time salary and benefits.
-A start-up budget to cover anything from travel, digital ads, etc.
-Support from seasoned organizers.
-Some built-in storytelling and operations capacity.
In the first year the organizer is not expected to do any fundraising. We want you focused on doing the work and fleshing out the model.
If the idea takes hold, and we thinks it’s a good use of funds, we then budget additional dollars to cover costs essential to reaching more people.
These projects can spin out or stay in house. If they don’t take, that’s alright. We’re here to try new things. We only ask that you gather the lessons from the work.
If you are interested in launching a new organizing project, fill out this form and we’ll get you all you need to throw your hat in the mix.
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